Dessert Yoga, You Heard It Here First.

Jennifer Hackleman
2 min readMay 13, 2021

I’ve never been a huge fan of dessert. Is that a limiting belief? Are beliefs only considered limiting when they are holding you back from something? In this case, I bet a lot of people out there would insist that my stance on dessert is a limiting belief. I recently declared I would work on one limiting belief every quarter. This quarter, I’m learning the splits to debunk my belief that I am not flexible. I have two more weeks until this quarter ends and I am indeed still not flexible and no closer to my crotch hitting the floor than I was 3.5 months ago. But my attitude towards being flexible has changed. I used to tell myself that I’m not a flexible person and now I tell myself that I don’t care to put time towards being flexible at this point in my life. It’s not that I couldn’t learn the splits in the last 3.5 months it’s that I barely even tried. It’s not a priority in my life, although perhaps it should be because I’m starting to have chronic back pain and I’m sure the answer is yoga. But yoga is slow and it makes my mind wander. When I tell that to people they always respond, “that’s exactly why you need it.” Maybe my limiting belief is that I don’t like yoga. Maybe I’ll choose to work on it next quarter only to find that it’s not that I don’t like it but that I don’t have time for it. Maybe our local yoga studio will offer a mini class on how to do the splits and there’ll be desserts after and I’ll lump all of my limiting beliefs into one expedited evening and I’ll walk out feeling like a Greek goddess who can spread her legs across any surface and order dessert before dinner because why wait for your newly discovered favorite part of the meal until the very end?



Jennifer Hackleman

Geriatric looking for a creative outlet and new source of funds.